وصفة 175 الكبيبة المصري بالارز

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  • وصفة 175 الكبيبة المصري بالارز

Food Items

# Quantity Unit Item
1 100 Gram Minced meat
2 100 Gram Parsley
3 100 Gram Onions
4 100 Gram Dill
5 100 Gram Garlic
6 100 Gram black pepper
7 100 Gram Ground cumin
8 100 Gram A dry crust

Nutritional Value

1514 Kcals


67 gm


140 gm


34 gm



  • 1-Mix all the ingredients in the kibbeh together until it is chopped and reaches a homogeneous 2- consistencLet it rest for about 30 minutes in the refrigeratory 3- Preheat a frying pan over a low heat. Add olive oil 4-We shape it into small balls 5-We fr

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